First Look at the Replacements

The third book in the Sex and Violence Series goes on sale June 29th!

The Replacements: Three young men travel from the suburbs to the city in search of forbidden pleasure. They think they are prepared to commit a crime, but are they ready for the surprise that their dealer has set up for them?
Like Sex and Violence on Facebook for free samples of this book and news on other upcoming releases.

Have fun.

First Look at Bedtime Stories

The second book in the Sex and Violence Series goes on Sale June 29th!

Bedtime Stories offers two erotic dreams. In Sleeping Beauty, a thoughtful lover tries to comfort a tense and tired woman without waking her up. And when angry words of rejection are coupled with hungry acts of passion some people know how to enjoy the Mixed Signals.

Like Sex and Violence on Facebook for free samples of this book and news on other upcoming releases.

Have fun.

First Look at Afraid of the Dark!

The first book in the Sex and Violence Series goes on Sale June 29th!

Eve Elder has millions of online readers in 2017 and she lives for their attention. Her latest story uncovers a government conspiracy, mass murder and a tortured soul who might not let her live long enough to write it.

Like Sex and Violence on Facebook for free samples of this book and news on other upcoming releases.

Great Expectations

A friend recently asked me what my expectations are for publishing my stories. Am I looking for a book deal? Am I hoping for fame and fortune? Do I want to quit my day job, or am I just trying to get more sex? At the time I didn’t have a good answer, but now I think I’ve wrapped my head around the idea.

What I Expect
I want the same thing you want. I want good stories. I want to write something people want to read and talk about. I want to write things you remember. I want to write things that make you think and feel.

The rest of my expectations are more selfish. I expect to;
  • Have fun
  • Be inspired
  • Solve problems
  • Learn more about myself
  • Learn more about the world around me
  • Get better at what I’m doing
  • Meet new people
  • Find out more about the people I already know
  • Become more comfortable with myself
  • Have more sex
The last one probably isn’t realistic, but the rest of the list is good enough to start with for now.

What I Don’t Expect
It would be nice to make so much money in royalties that I didn’t have work a day job or to option the rights to one of my stories in to a movie or TV series. I’ll certainly try to do that, but I don’t expect it. There are thousands of writers much better than I am who aren’t financially successful. Writing well isn’t a guarantee. There is no way to know whether a book will sell ten million copies or ten copies. As writers, we can advertise and market all we want. At the end of the day we don’t have any control over what you buy.

 I also don’t expect everyone to like my writing. I write about sex and violence (not always at the same time in the same story). Some people absolutely refuse to read any type of erotica. Other people won’t read anything that makes them scared, sad or otherwise upset. Some people won’t like my style. Some will think it goes too far. Others will see it as too timid and vanilla. I understand all that. Everyone is different and likes different things. All I can do is write the best stories I can write.

So here’s to good stories and (hopefully) more sex.

Have fun.

The Benefits of Rejection, Indifference, Ridicule, Hate, Envy, Exploitation and Insecurity for Writers

I was sipping pinot grigio in a wine bar recently, considering all the struggles and pitfalls that a creative person faces when they decide to write. I came to the conclusion almost every writer travels on a journey as they express themselves. It is path that we have taken since the first stories were written to the rise of 50 Shades of Grey on the best seller lists.  The trip has several milestones that every writer can expect:
·         Insecurity arrives first when we doubt our ability to write anything worthwhile.
·         Frustration comes when we try to turn the images, dreams and voices in our head into words on a page.
·         Rejection comes when no one wants to publish or release our work.
·         Indifference comes when no one wants to read it.
·         Ridicule comes when someone does read it and then decides it isn’t any good.
·         Hate comes when more readers are exposed to you and want to compare you to someone else. They attack you for being exactly the same as their favorite authors… or completely different from them.
·         Envy comes from all sides when people are buying your dreams instead of theirs.
·         Exploitation comes when people want to use you and your work for their own agenda and finances.
·         Insecurity comes back when it is time to write again.
Looking at these milestones, it isn’t hard to understand why many writers are depressed or bitter. It isn’t hard to understand why so many people decide to never start down this road in the first place. But that decision is a mistake, at least for me. Knowing that I can look forward to these pitfalls gives me a great sense of freedom.
It means I can write what a like.  I can express myself any way I choose because what I write isn’t going to change the road. I’m not going to make anything easier or better by pandering to an imagined public. I can be brilliant or banal and nothing will change. The road is the road. The only thing that can stop me is a lack of belief and love in what I write. That is when writing is a trip not worth taking. If I enjoy writing then I can travel down that road without any concern about what happens on the way. The writing is the important thing. The road is irrelevant.
Have fun

What is Sex and Violence?

I’ve been writing short stories since 1998 without a good way to sell them. Now there are so many Kindles, IPads and Nooks out there that selling e-books make sense. Now I have enough experience running my own businesses to be comfortable self publishing. Now I might even be egotistical enough to expose my creativity and face the inevitable consequences.
Sex and Violence is going to be a series of monthly short stories that deal with…you guessed it, sex and violence. These are the themes that occupy my mind most of the time. Almost every voluntary activity I do has a connection to one of these states. Sex and violence also seem to spark the most emotion and controversy in society. It is the underlying basis of what drives us. We are constantly running towards one and away from the other. They are the physical expressions of our most extreme opposites; love and hate, pleasure and pain, life and death. If I’m going to write about something that holds my attention (and hopefully yours) I can’t think of two better topics.
My plan is to release three stories on June 29th, so you can get them for the Fourth of July holiday. After that, I plan to release two stories a month. One story will be erotic inspired by writers like Anias Nin, Lonnie Barbach and Oscar Wilde (that’s the Sex part). The other story will be a neo noir style of fiction similar to films like Seven, the Usual Suspects and Chinatown (that’s the Violence part). I can only hope something I write is as good as any of those.
I plan to sell on all three major platforms and keep you up to date on my progress on this site. I might also share thoughts on the creative process, review the work of other writers and randomly vent here, but I’ll try to keep the venting to a minimum.
Thank you for exploring Sex and Violence. I hope you enjoy the experience. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have questions, comments, criticisms or ideas.
Have fun.