London Twist: A Book Review

When I decided to become an independent publisher, Barry Eisler was the one of the modern writers who inspired me most. I wanted to capture the lethal complexity of his characters and the world they live in. I strive to emulate the visceral depth that he brings to both his tactical descriptions and his combat scenes without parroting his style. London Twist marks both a slight departure from his established conventions and an expansion of his creativity that achieves very pleasant results.

Readers familiar with the John Rain series will recognize Rain's former lover and honey trap Delilah. It is her first solo operation that provides the catalyst for the new direction. But Mr. Eisler doesn't simply change the gender of his protagonist and continue on his merry way. In Twist, seduction replaces murder as the method of choice without sacrificing the tactical element that makes Mr. Eisler's writing so enjoyable. The seductive and erotic scenes are handled with just as much meticulous rigor as his previous combat descriptions and this time they come off as much less desperate and violent as his earlier sex scenes. Of course, the deception, paranoia and double crosses that consume the Rain series are on every page of this novella, but with London Twist, Mr. Eisler proves he can write about both sex and violence skillfully.

My upcoming spy novel also focuses on the consequences of combining intimacy and deception and once again, Barry Eisler has inspired me with his latest work. It is a short and sweet alternative to John Rain that you will enjoy if you appreciate the intelligent thriller.

Have fun.

Batman and Psychology: A Book Review

There are few pop culture icons that are more well known than Batman. His popularity transcends comics, TV and movies and has been built up for more than 80 years. While there have been many books written about the cultural impact of this character, the most recent one explores the underlying psyche of Batman and how readers relate to him. Batman and Psychology isn't an overly technical book, but it does shed some new light on this well known shadow.

Travis Langley's book serves two audiences very well; it exposes fans of Batman to basic concepts about psychology and introduces the Batman mythos to people who have a background in psychology. Langley achieves this balance by using the 80 years of Batman's "post industrial mythology" as the case studies for various mental conditions and experiences including:
  • Post traumatic stress disorder, the stages of grief and childhood development - Bruce Wayne watching his parents killed
  • Anti-social, sociopathic and psychotic behavior - The Joker
  • The impact of symbolism and identity issues - Creating the bat tailsman and wearing the mask
  • Intimacy issues - Batman's romantic endeavors and lack of deep connection
  • Family dynamics including surrogate parents, adopted children and birth order dynamics - Batman's relationship with Alfred, Commissioner Gordon and the various Robins

One of the most interesting aspects of the book is the exploration of how these stories remain popular. Langley explores the effects that the stories have on the psychology of fans including discussions of Jungian archetypes, the hero's journey and plausible escapism. Once you reach the end of the book, you come away with a greater appreciation of the impact that Batman in particular and comics in general have on popular culture.

As a writer, I can't hope to create a world that will be as enduring in popularity as Batman, but I can apply the lessons of his character development to my work and imagine the possibilities of my characters becoming cultural icons if I just keep writing.

Have fun.

People We Want to Know: Creating Complex Characters

Question: What do Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs), Ellen Ripley (Aliens) and Rick Blaine (Casablanca) have in common?

Answer: Each of these heroes gained enduring popularity based on the complexity of their character.

All great fictional characters from Hamlet to Harry Potter hold our interest because their characterizations contradict their true natures. As a writer and student of the craft, I want to look at this contradiction in depth.

Characterization vs. True Nature
In his screenwriting guide Story, Robert McKee defines characterization as “the sum total of all knowable qualities about a character.” This means the physical, intellectual, social, financial and spiritual traits that a writer can describe about the individuals they create. True character (or as I like to call it, true nature) is a product of the character’s interaction with your plot, because the choices they make under pressure reveal their fundamental personality. As McKee states, “what they choose is who they are”.

In the most complex and interesting characters, the true nature is in direct contradiction to the characterizations. For example:
  • Hannibal Lecter is a calm, polite, and intelligent gentleman until the FBI lies to him and sends him to suffer at the hands of a sadistic warden. He escapes by revealing a cunning, ruthless and cannibalistic nature that has shocked audiences for years after the film was first released.
  • Ellen Ripley is a terrified, burned out engineer until she loses her surrogate child to xenomorphs. She saves the child by revealing a courageous survivor with an intense maternal instinct.
  • Rick Blaine is an aloof and mercenary bar owner until the love of his life returns with the Nazis on her tail. This is when he reveals his true character as a patriotic and sentimental hero.

Fallen Heroes
Many weak characters fail to capture our imaginations because they have little depth; their characterizations and their true character are essentially the same. This is especially true in adventure and spy novels. At the beginning of the story, the protagonist projects the image of a bad ass. The plot progresses and the protagonist goes through the motions of proving he’s a bad ass. The story ends. There is no revelation. There is no depth of character for us to enjoy. The hero is a clichéd caricature of every Tom Cruise or Steven Segal action hero; flat and interchangeable.

Lessons Learned
Both novels I plan to release this year strive to have revelations of true nature vs. characterizations for both the protagonist and the antagonist. As the events of the story place the characters desires into conflict, the development of the plot will not only resolve the story but provide insight into who these people really are. In some ways, I hope that reading about my characters will illuminate something about the reader as well as the writer. That is the goal of any artist.

So who are your favorite characters?

How does their complexity play into your desire to read about them?

For the writers out there, how do you create complex characters in your own writing?

Have fun.

Is This How We Treat Our Soldiers?

There is a story that came out this week about the Navy SEAL who shot Osama bin Laden.  According to a story from the Center for Investigative Reporting and Esquire Magazine, this highly decorated combat veteran currently has no pension, no health care and no job.

I’ve spent most of the week trying to wrap my head around this concept. It was hard for me to imagine one of our most elite operators killed the most wanted man on the planet and we give him nothing. We offer him no reward, no safety net, no transition into civilian life. We toss him aside like a used condom.

Is this how we treat our soldiers?

As I listen and talk to more people about this story, I’m coming to the conclusion that it is not unique. Another former SEAL, being interviewed for The Takeaway said that it has always been this way ‘In the US military, the moment you stop being an asset, you become a liability’ and we get rid of you like soiled toilet paper.

Is this the fate that we want for our protectors?

Consider the sacrifice that elite special forces have to endure to even do their job. Most of them give up their bodies, sanity, relationships and families. Some of them give up their lives. Now consider the rewards that they get; elite training that they can’t use in the civilian world, stories they can’t tell, medals they can’t show, poverty, pride and the enduring connection to the people they served with. The satisfaction and camaraderie that these shooters enjoy comes at an extremely high price. Based on the way we repay them, our country hardly deserves their sacrifice.

Is this how we treat our heroes?

What does this state of affairs say about America, a country that leans so heavily on our military strength? What does this say about you and I who are citizens of this country? Jaded shame is the only honest response I can feel. Shame because I benefit from something fundamentally unfair and jaded both because I’m not really surprised and I know that I won’t care enough about this issue long term to do anything to change it.

As a writer, I try to use the news to enhance my work. The rejection mentality that these men feel will definitely play a role in the mentality of my characters. For some, it will be fear of civilian life. For others it will reveal itself as pessimistic mercenary greed. If this Esquire story is true, then in many ways our soldiers are too good for us. The least I can do is recognize their experience with my craft.

Have fun.

Free E-Book Promotion Extended Two More Weeks!

In the past six months, more than a thousand people have downloaded my short stories and given me a lot of positive feedback. I was planning to end the free promotion for these books on February 1st, but as a show of appreciation to all my readers, I’ve decided to extend the free promotion another two weeks for the following titles:
  • Broken Glass: A not-so-good Samaritan picks the wrong girl to rescue.
  • Date with a Devil: Two urban predators use murder and manipulation as tools for flirting.
  • Family Affair: A gang initiation gone wrong sends a killer on a path of revenge.
  • Dead on Arrival: A simple favor descends into an assassination plot.

The promotional period for my other titles will continue, but as of February 15th, these titles will be gone. Read them now for free while you can!

I plan to release a new novel called Smooth Operator later this year. Until then, I hope you enjoy everything in the Nightlife Publishing catalog.

Have fun.

Fact vs. Fiction: Which Is More Real?

As a writer of crime and spy novels, I often think about the impact of deception in our lives. Recent events offer a lot of material to consider:
  • Major media is consistently manipulated by government, corporations and powerful individuals
  • False identities like catfish and sock puppets proliferate online
  • Statistics and “scientific” studies are biased to serve narrow political or economic interests
  • “Independent” bloggers are bought and controlled by sponsors
  • The Met even had an exhibit on the doctoring of photographs that took place long before Photoshop was invented, destroying the historical myth that “the camera doesn’t lie.”

All this leads to the central philosophical question; what is real? How do I know that the French really invaded Mali, or why? How do I know how many troops we have in Afghanistan or how many guns are actually in America? Does anyone really know? Can they prove it?

The lack of knowable facts isn’t limited to what we learn from traditional and social media. There are plenty of instances in your own everyday life that are more appearance than fact. For example, let’s say I go to a bar and start a conversation with an attractive woman. At some point, she mentions that she has a boyfriend. A gentleman even comes up and is introduced as said boyfriend.

Now, under normal circumstances this seems perfectly reasonable, but in espionage language, what I just found out is referred to as single source information. That means that during this brief exchange, I have very little independent confirmation on the reality of this woman’s relationship status. It might sound farfetched to think this is anything other than what it seems, but a deception like this isn’t just the province of spies and criminals. My female friends have pretended that I was their boyfriend, boss, cousin or other short term role with very little preparation on my part or scrutiny on the part of our audience. Appearances often carry much more weight than reality, online and off.

Fiction, as opposed to news, is also by definition not real. But it has two qualities that often make it more honest. First, while fiction attempts to be realistic to one degree or another, it does not pretend to depict objective reality in a way that manipulates us with a false sense of singular importance. Second, if it is done well, fiction captures real emotion. It helps bring meaning to our lives and connects us to our shared humanity. It is often the power of fiction that exposes the human condition in ways that are stronger than whatever we are told is real.

I have come to the obvious conclusion that while facts are more real than fiction, verifying facts isn’t possible in most cases. The willing suspension of disbelief that we need to enjoy fiction needs to be balanced with the unwilling suspension of belief when we encounter news or alleged fact.  In this life, what we ultimately believe about our world and ourselves is just as likely to come from fiction as from fact. As a writer and storyteller, I plan to keep this power in mind as I pursue my craft.

Have fun.

Mantai Te’o, Catfishing and the Evolution of Deception

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Marcus Aurelius

As a writer who creates stories about modern spies and criminals, the Te'o catfish story is fascinating. At this point, very few people know what really happened, but if you think about the big picture, the ultimate truth doesn’t really matter. The implications of what we do collectively going forward could be much more profound than whatever winds up happening to a single football player.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that someone has been manipulated with a false identity. Catfishing is an online phenomenon that is probably as old as social networks and online dating. Hackers constantly use social engineering to get people to reveal their passwords. Con artists have duped marks for centuries by pretending to be someone who didn’t exist. Spies and undercover agents have fabricated fake identities since the Trojan Horse. Te’o’s case isn’t unique on its own. The importance of this case lies in the effect it could have on us, not the effect it will have on him.

When you take a wide view of the Te’o story, it becomes special whether you look at it from a William Gibson, Marshall McLuhan, Kevin Mitnick, or Robert Greene perspective. The evolution of media that was the foundation of both Gibson’s and McLuhan’s work is highlighted by the way this one player’s story could shape and mold both traditional and social media with no facts to back up his statements. The emotional investment that Te’o allegedly put into this hoax is something that would impress even an elite hacker like Mitnick. And the act of seducing a man without ever meeting him in person is a feat that embodies everything that Robert Greene discussed in his books.  This story has so many layers that we might not understand its full effects for a long time.

Te’o will stay with us because his imaginary girlfriend could alter the way we interact. The story is still developing, but it's going to have an impact on social interactions, manners, psychology and what we believe concerning the people we meet and read about. This doesn’t apply just for journalists, but for anyone who creates content online or off, even if it’s just a dating profile on Plenty of Fish. Understanding the motivations of the catfish and the fallout across social and traditional media is going to be intense, no matter what the truth of the Te’o story is. All of us might become a little more suspicious and a little more cynical about who we chat with and what we read online. Ultimately, that might be a good thing. The suspension of disbelief is critical for enjoying fiction. In real life, it has a definite downside.

Just ask Manti Te’o.

Have fun.

Django Unchained Is the Next Great American Spy Film

Much has been written and discussed about Quentin Tarantino's latest project. Django Unchained has garnered praise, criticism and awards as a race film, a western and a spaghetti western. But after seeing the movie last night, it is clear to me that Tarantino did something else. He successfully realizes all of the classic elements of a spy film in a uniquely American setting.

As I wrote in an earlier post (How to Write Spy Fiction), every spy story boils down to the secret struggle for a magic It. The plot of Django is easy to fit into the classic spy formula when it is looked at from this perspective. Without revealing any spoilers, consider the following milestones that occur in many spy stories and also happen in the film;
  • The spy is recruited into his profession by an older, experienced mentor.
  • He learns his trade and struggles with the morality of what he is doing as his skills improve.
  • He engages in some form of deception to manipulate his opponent and get closer to his goal because his opponent has superior strength, numbers and society on his side.
  • Some form of counterintelligence is used against him to reveal his plot.
  • He is forced to engage in another spontaneous deception, surpassing his mentor to secure the Magic It.

All of these elements were defined and structured well in Django Unchained. They are difficult to see if you’re not looking for them because Tarantino uses a controversial setting and an atypical protagonist to tell his story. But this is just as much a good spy film as Argo, Skyfall or Zero Dark Thirty and should be appreciated in that vein.

It could be that Django is easier to define as a spaghetti western than a spy film. It might be more popular to focus on how many times the word nigger was used in the script or how graphically violent the film was. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that because I’m in the middle of writing a spy novel I see every movie or story in those terms. But none of that takes away from what Django reveals. By shining a light on America near the end of Slavery, Tarantino gives us a look at a struggle that was just as treacherous as the Cold War or the War on Terror. Not every spy story that deserves to be told concerns only the evils of the modern Middle East. Some stories can clearly be found in the systemic human trafficking of America’s own past.

Have fun.

How Do You Define a “Successful” Writer?

The explosion of independent publishing has created a niche market of books all claiming to help you become a better writer. Some of them focus on the craft of writing. Others focus on the business aspects. All of them purport to transform you into being a successful.

But what exactly does that mean?

Is it defined by sales? I doubt that. A poorly written book could have great sales and a well written book could have poor sales for any number of factors that have nothing to do with the writing. There have been many great writers who died penniless. Does that make them failures?

Does it come from critical acclaim? Perhaps, but good reviews could come from friends, connections, reciprocal good reviews or sock puppets. At the same time, a great book might not have any reviews at all. There is very little direct correlation between good reviews and success.

Must a successful writer possess enduring value? Are you successful only if your work is used by English professors decades after your dead? Does your name have to rise to the pantheon of authors like Poe, Hemingway and Shakespeare? This feat surely marks you as a successful writer. The only problem with this benchmark is that you probably have to be dead before it kicks in. Who wants to wait for all that?

What if your book brings you a large amount of notoriety? That doesn’t make you a successful writer. You may simply be writing about a timely, controversial topic. You might have a magnetic, extroverted charm that the media is drawn to. Fame doesn’t make you a successful writer any more than it makes Honey Boo Boo a good actress.

So it’s not sales, reviews or notoriety. It’s not awards, volume of output or likes on Facebook. It’s not the ability to make a living as a writer, especially if you’re miserable. It’s not even the technical polish of a professional manuscript. So what makes a successful writer? Ultimately, every writer has to define this for themselves based on their goals and expectations, but I’ve come up with a definition that I plan to use going forward;

A successful writer has the ability to consistently increase one or more of their resources through the creation and distribution of their craft.

By “resources”, I mean your intellectual, financial, social or physical capital. So if writing broadens your mental horizons, increases your financial status, widens your social circles or improves the quality of your life over time, then you are a successful writer. I will admit that it is not the most measurable criteria in the world, but it’s better than waiting until English professors start forcing kids to read my books.

So how do you define a successful writer?

Have fun.

Mastery: A Book Review

Before I can write any review about any Robert Greene book, I have to reveal some bias. I’ve considered myself an indirect apprentice to Mr. Greene and his work since 2004. After my divorce, the Art of Seduction changed not only my life but the way I look at society and human interaction. I’ve read it several times since that first exposure and it might be one of the most influential books I’ve read in the past decade.

Greene has written five books to date and the concept behind his voice is always the same. He describes a method of achievement based on a central idea and represents that concept with certain historical figures. Art of Seduction focused on people like Casanova and Cleopatra, The 48 Laws of Power used Machiavelli and Talleyrand, The 33 Strategies of War dissected luminaries like Sun Tzu and Napoleon. Mastery continues in this same vein; highlighting figures like Mozart, Einstein and Darwin. The difference between this work and his others is the target of his analysis. While all his other books described methods for dealing with others, Mastery creates a model for improving your own personal abilities.

The Premise

The idea behind Mastery is simple at first glance. Greene argues that the achievement of all the great artists, inventors and business leaders is always the product of a specific process that the rest of us can duplicate. He claims that genetics, luck or divine intervention play no role in the success of anyone from Benjamin Franklin to Freddie Roach. He then goes on to describe the process and provide historical examples to support his theory.

The Process

There are five steps in Greene’s road to Mastery:
  • Finding your life’s work through exploring your natural inclinations,
  • Practice through apprenticeship,
  • Gaining knowledge through mentoring,
  • Self-expression through creativity
  • Mastery

While the process only has five steps, it is not short by any means. A person can spend their entire childhood before they find what they really want to do with their lives. An apprenticeship typically takes 7-10 years or 10,000 hours. Mentoring can reduce the apprenticeship time, but it will probably only shave off a year or two. Self-expression and mastery may not come until after years and years of patient practice, if it comes at all. Mastery is not an easy road and the path Greene describes is littered with pitfalls.

First Impressions

I’m listing my opinion of the book as first impressions because I think Greene’s books have to be read several times to fully appreciate the message. My thoughts on it may change over time, but this is what I think so far.

On the positive side, Mastery is an overarching book on development that transcends money or fame and like all of Greene’s work it is tied to extensive historical examples. This book can be helpful to anyone in business, art or the sciences. It also has applications for parents looking to help their children develop and it is especially relevant to writers looking for the motivation to develop their craft.

The downside of the book comes down to the editing. Some the extensive examples are repetitious and tediously long. There are elements of the process (most notably the relationship between the apprenticeship and the mentoring) that feel vague and contradictory. Finally, the ending of the book is weak and uninspiring compared to his best work because it doesn’t tie the concepts together well and the end and it doesn’t deliver the same air of authority that the other books did.

To sum up, Mastery is a worthy addition to the power, seduction and war library, but it is not the best of the collection. Hopefully an abridged version will be released soon so I can dig into it again.

(Note: This review is for the unabridged audio version of the book.)

Have fun.

The Nightlife Publishing 2012 Year in Review

Overnight success takes years of patient effort, but after six months of independent publishing, we have definitely made some progress to be proud of in terms of results and feedback. 

The Numbers
I’m clearly not threatening James Patterson for his spot on the best seller list, but everyone has to start somewhere. Here are our numbers so far:

850: The number of times my stories have been downloaded by people who obviously have superior taste.

55: The number of witty, insightful and compelling blog posts I have produced.

12: The number of short stories and novellas I have out in the world through various platforms including Amazon, Smashwords and Kobo.

3: The number of author interviews I’ve done in print and audio

1: The number of magazines my work have been featured in.

The Words
In addition to the cold, hard numbers, my writing has generated a lot of positive responses from others in the industry. Not all of the reviews have been good of course, but here are some of the highlights:

Afraid of the Dark: “Don't try to out-think this one, I guarantee you won't win! The ending is perfect for the story, but the dark is not what you think it is...” 
Doreen Mulryan Marts, author of the Frankly Fannie Series

Asset Management: “Every time I thought I knew what was about to happen next, I was wrong, and every time I loved it. It’s a fantastic read. It really keeps you on your toes.” 
Matt Blank, author

Broken Glass: “Although it is very brief, it packs a powerful punch and covers many bases: lust, betrayal, false heroics, greed and the almost brutal reality of urban life at its coldest core.” 
Conrad Johnson Author of Crying Bullets

Dead on Arrival: “5 stars! 4 dead bodies! 3 laugh-out-louds! 2 great characters! And one long, satisfying pee in the bushes!” 
Kim Chamberlain, Publisher Espionage Magazine

Family Affair: “It reads a little like some of Andrew Vachs “Burke” novels though it far less politically correct. The territory is similar and the dark ambiance aims for the same targets.” 
Tom Vater, author of The Cambodian Book of the Dead

The Replacements: This short story reads like an episode of Law and Order SVU. It is thriller with both sex and violence and an interesting ending.  
Kari Gibson, owner Gibson Books

So far, the world of independent publishing has been alternatively frustrating and fulfilling. I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to meet me and my characters. We have plans to offer you even more in 2013.

Have fun.

Bloody Inspiration Part III (My top 12 books for 2012)

One of the main benefits of being an independent publisher is that your reading takes on a whole new dimension. Every book you consume feeds your creativity; suggesting new ideas, new insights and new concepts.

I don’t know how many books, short stories and graphic novels I’ve read in the past year, but this list comprises the better material that has come across my Kindle. Unfortunately, I haven’t written reviews for all of them (I’ve been kind of busy) but I’ve provided a link for the ones I did. My tastes seem to focus on a particular subject this year. Can you tell what that could be?
  1. Erotic Capital (non-fiction): This is an intriguing redefinition of personal motivation and gender relations that has changed the way I look at social dynamics. If you only read one book on this list, read this one.
  2. Facing Violence (non-fiction): This is a well written treatise on avoiding and coping with violence that every martial artist, gun owner and self-defense enthusiast should read to calibrate their world view to reality
  3. Why Women Have Sex (non-fiction) Using a combination of anonymous surveys, lab experiments and multi-discipline research, two psychologists attempt to answer the most complicated question of all time.
  4. La Seduction: How the French Play the Game of Life (non-fiction): A case study of the seductive process on a national scale. It’s great for students of seduction and Francophiles alike.
  5. Venus in Furs (erotic fiction): A classic BDSM romance that was an interesting introduction into the psyche of bottoms.
  6. The Art of Intelligence (non-fiction): The author has a unique and authoritative view of espionage from the end of the Cold War to the beginning of the Iraq War and this is one of the better books on the subject that I have read.
  7. The Art of Love (erotic fiction): A short and amusing version of the Art of Seduction that was written more than 2,000 years before Robert Greene was born.  It’s a nice historical look at the seductive process.
  8. The Honourable Schoolboy (crime fiction): The follow up to the classic Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. It’s good, but not as engrossing as the first novel.
  9. The Lost Diary of Don Juan (historic fiction) Douglas Abrams has added to the universal legend by imaging a character that is part spy, part seducer and part honey trap.
  10. Henry and June (erotic fiction): Anias Nin’s autobiographical story of her polyamorous Parisian affair with Henry Miller is alluring and liberating, but it is also frustrating and incomplete. I think that was what she lived and what she wanted to describe.
  11. The Khmer Kill: A Dox Short Story (crime fiction): One of my favorite author’s gave one of his supporting characters a little time in the limelight. The result was good, but it wasn’t as strong as his other short stories.
  12. Simply Irresistible (non-fiction): This book takes one archetype in the Art of Seduction and expands it out into a full blown process of its own. It doesn’t pack the same punch as the original, even though it uses the same formula.
  13. Exit to Eden (erotic fiction): It was supposed to be a modern classic in BDSM romance, but I probably cheated myself by listening to the abridged version.

So what were the best books you read for 2012?

What new trends and themes do you see when you look back on your year in reading?

Let me know with a comment.

Have fun.

My New Novella Date with a Devil is Now Available for Free!

I’m currently offering a new crime thriller novella for free on Smashwords.

Ria Marlen is a vigilante who preys on the predators of urban society. Warren Baker is a spy with influence in the shadows. He has arranged a meeting between the two of them. He wants to find out her secrets and bend her to his will. He wants to succeed where every other man has failed. Can he win her trust, or will she crush him like so many men who came before?

If you decide to read it, please let me know what you think by writing me a review. Every opinion helps, whether it’s good or bad.

Have fun.

The Secret Struggle for the Magic It (How to Write Spy Fiction)

According to Robert McKee’s excellent book on screenwriting, you can’t write in a particular genre until you understand the conventions and elements that it demands. This is one of the reasons that writers who strive to improve their craft benefit from reading the work of others who have mastered a specific genre.

In developing the script for my own novel, I also created my own understanding of the elements of the spy fiction genre. I’d like to share this concept here (along with pertinent examples where I can find them) in the hopes that it will help increase your appreciation of both the spy fiction specifically and the creation of genre fiction in general.

The Elements of Spy Fiction
Based on my exposure to classic and modern spy fiction, there are three fundamental elements that can be described simply as the secret struggle for the magic it. I’ll break down these concepts to make them more understandable:
  1. The “Magic It”: There is a person, object or piece of information that drives the story. Whatever this “it” happens to be, it is so important that people are willing to kill and risk their lives for it. For example, in Skyfall the “magic it” starts off as a list of undercover agents (information). In Spy Game, the “magic it” is the spy held in the Chinese prison that is scheduled to be executed (person). In The Hunt for Red October, the “magic it” is a rouge nuclear submarine (very large object).
  2. The Opposing Groups: There are at least two people, agencies, or countries struggling to acquire whatever the “magic it” happens to be. For example, in Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy the opposing groups are the British Circus and Moscow Center. In La Femme Nikita the opposing groups are Covert One and Red Cell, while The Bourne Identity pits rival factions within the CIA itself as the opposing groups.
  3. The Secret Struggle: For reasons that are inherently logical to the story, the opposing groups need to keep their conflict hidden from the outside world. This is what separates spy fiction from most mysteries, thrillers and legal or police suspense novels. Both the protagonist and the antagonist work from the shadows, employing similar techniques of stealth and deception. In many spy classics, it is often difficult to tell who the “good” and “bad” guys are based purely on what they do. This gray area is one of the elements that make stories like The Gentleman’s Game, Rain Fall and Ronin so compelling. The definitions of right and wrong often boil down to malleable issues of money, ideology, coercion and excitement.

Applying the Elements to My Own Work

The premise of the book I am writing now involves a young spy who is forced to infiltrate an international smuggling ring by seducing the leader of the group. The “Magic It” here is information. The protagonist has to find proof that her lover is tied to arms smuggling. There are two opposing groups; the mercenary spies sent to infiltrate the smugglers and the smugglers themselves. Both groups need to use secrecy and deception, either to illegally ship weapons around the world or get into a position to stop those shipments. By creating a story that satisfies the elements of spy fiction, I can build a stronger narrative that can hopefully appeal to the millions of people who devour this genre every year in books, TV shows and movies.

The Dark Side

While understanding the conventions of any fictional genre can satisfy the expectations of the audience, writers must, at the same time, be very aware of the clichés that are particular to their genre. Avoiding these pitfalls is the difference between creating a classic story and a half-baked mess. Next week, I’ll try to define what the differences are between conventions and clichés and explain how my novel will try to rise above the ordinary.

So what are the elements of your favorite fictional genre? How do your favorite books capture or transcend the conventions of the genre and redefine them? Let me know what you think in the comments...

Have fun.

The Lost Diary of Don Juan: The Seducer as Historical Spy

There are few literary figures as well-known as Don Juan. His character has become synonymous with seduction, womanizing and hedonism. While his story has been retold in stories, plays and operas for more than two hundred years, Douglas Abrams has added to the legend by imaging a character that is part spy, part seducer and part honey trap.

The Lost Diary follows Don Juan’s last great seduction, the pursuit of the unattainable Dona Ana. As the story unfolds, we are introduced not only to Don Juan’s past as an orphan, thief, spy, and libertine noble. We get an insight into the intrigue and manipulations of the Spanish court that resembled many of the honey trap operations of the Cold War. These historical parallels add a unique pleasure to the story, especially for anyone who is a fan of spy fiction.

The Lost Diary also has elements of erotic romance and hedonistic philosophy. In creating empathy for the title character, Abrams illuminates a sensuality and a secular wisdom that liberates the reader as well as Don Juan. I am not a fan of historical fiction, but I am inspired by Don Juan as a concept and I recommend this version of the story to anyone who enjoys stories of sex, lies and spies.

Have fun.

The Detachment: The Avengers of Assassination

Barry Eisler is one of my favorite thriller writers. I aspire to create characters and mood the way he does. He is one of the few modern authors that has mastered everything that is attractive about the spy thriller while avoiding all of the clichés. The Detachment is a climax of various storylines, but it stand up as a compelling thriller in its own right.

As I was reading the last few stories in Mr. Eisler's universe (Lost Coast, Paris is a Bitch and Inside Out) the parallels between his mega plot and a trend in popular films became very clear. In the current spate of summer blockbusters from the company I used to work for (Thor, Iron Man, Captain America and Hulk) each had films that will culminate in the composite Avengers film. Eisler works a similar concept in his universe. The only difference is that he's writing about assassins instead of Avengers.

The best part of the story is that you see each main character from the external view of the other characters and from their own internal perspective. Each one appears as an antagonist in relation to the others when seen from the outside and a struggling protagonist in their own head. No one's motives seem artificial or far-fetched. It is these dual perspectives, when added to the elaborate tactics, high level of detail and engrossing dialogue that has always been a part of the Rain series makes for a very enjoyable listen. By the middle of the book, you'll be sure they will all kill each other and you might not be able to decide who's side you're on.

I don't know if these all four of these characters should ever be in a book together again, but I hope they are.

Have fun.

Jesus Told Me to Kill Her: The Fantasy of Failed Writer

“You don’t understand. He can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t know pity or fear or remorse, and he absolutely will not stop…ever, until you are dead.” Kyle Resse: The Terminator

The premise of this novella is simple enough. It is also something that can easily resonate with anyone who has attempted to have a book published. A struggling writer, beaten down by months and years of rejection, snaps and decides to kill the literary agent who personifies everything that is wrong with the publishing industry. This crisis decision leads this author on a long strange trip into madness and murder.

There is a similarity between the iconic, unstoppable cyborg and the protagonist in Mr. Johnson’s book; relentless perseverance.  There is a darkly comedic quality to the prose that is engaging, even if it doesn’t quite create empathy between the reader and the protagonist. There is also a tragic unsettled character to the ending that might be more disturbing than the story itself. If you are a writer (or ever wanted to be one), this is a cautionary tale of obsession. You have been warned.

Have fun.

Facing Violence: A Book Review

“War is a matter of vital importance to the state; a matter of life or death, the road either to survival or to ruin. Hence, it is imperative that it be studied thoroughly.” Sun Tzu: The Art of War 

Rory Miller takes the very first sentence in the Chinese military classic and expands upon it in lucid detail. Facing Violence draws readers into a world and a state of mind that most people in a civilized society imagine but do not really understand.

The title of the book suggests a guide about fighting, but that is misleading. Mr. Miller explores the entire continuum of close combat including:
  • your personal beliefs and ethics
  • the social and resourced based motivations of violent people
  • to the legal criteria for self-defense
  • the psychology of criminal violence
  • your biological and physiological responses
  • the mechanics of realistic combat
  • the legal, social, and psychological aftermath of a violent encounter

Miller writes in a style that is simultaneously sobering, enlightening, depressing and insistent. It isn’t really a guide about how to react to potential violence. It is a well written treatise on avoiding and coping with violence that every martial artist, gun owner and self-defense enthusiast should read to calibrate their training to reality

As a writer, I read this book was to give a more realistic flavor to the characters and situations in my stories that dealt with concepts of violence. As a former, martial artist I highly recommend this book because it help people who have that kind of training adapt the lessons from the dojo into the real world.

Have fun.

On Champions, Tastemakers and True Fans (The Options of Modern Marketing)

“The way I see it, in this multi-channel, micro market, infinite sub culture world that we live in, everybody is fighting for a chance to tell their story, no matter how stupid that story might be.” 
Gamal Hennessy: Afraid of the Dark 

Last week I wrote a piece on the quality of indie books vs. traditionally published books. Much of the feedback that I got about that post focused on marketing more than editing or cover design. More than a few readers held the opinion that a poorly produced book with strong marketing will be much more successful than a book that is well produced with no marketing behind it.

While I might agree with this concept, it’s not directly applicable to my situation (or to the situation of most independent publishers). I don’t have the time or the resources to launch a major ad campaign and book tour, so what are the alternatives? At this point, I’ve identified three viable options: true fans, tastemakers and champions.

True Fans is a concept developed by Kevin Kelly. Basically, a true fan is someone who will buy anything and everything you produce. As an independent publisher, I take the concept one step further. To me, a true fan is someone who will buy all your work, review it online and enthusiastically tell their friends about you. They might not be influential individually, but they love you and they are the core of any viral, word of mouth message.

Tastemakers are the people we rely on to connect us to new information. When we’re talking about books, we are talking about those people who we trust to tell us what we should be reading because they know books and because they know what we like. Malcolm Gladwell refers to this group as Mavens in his book the Tipping Point. Traditionally, influential book critics and best seller lists were the main arbiters of taste. Now, there are more tastemaker opportunities created by social media and niche markets. Anyone from a book club organizer to a blogger to a group moderator on Good Reads can be a tastemaker and they can have a wider reach than a true fan, even if their passion for any particular author might not run as deep.

Champions are highly influential individuals who make it their mission to get exposure for your book. It could be the literary agent who believes you are the next J.K. Rowling. It could be the small book store owner who pushes your book to everyone who walks through her door. Oprah is probably the ultimate example of a book champion. When she puts her sticker on your book, a million people will buy it without having any idea what it’s about. Champions often have a financial stake in your success, but that investment is often powerful motivation for them to help you.

I know that these concepts are amorphous and interrelated. I understand that defining a true fan, getting the attention of a tastemaker or finding a champion is about as easy as finding a veggie burger in a steakhouse. But I don’t think the process of reaching these people is mysterious. It boils down to perfecting my craft as a writer, producing the best product possible, engaging with my potential audience on a personal level and having more than a little luck. The tools are out there. It is up to me as an independent publisher to make the most of them.

What do you think? Are these options really viable or am I missing something? Is there another alternative that I’ve overlooked? I don’t pretend to have all the answers. If you have the keys to success, please share them. I am more than willing to steal (or at least borrow) them from you.

Have fun.

My New Novella Broken Glass is Now Available for Free!

I’m currently offering a new crime thriller novella for free on Smashwords.

Russ Warner works as a bartender to the bankers and brokers on Wall Street. He has to deal with arrogant wealthy customers every night, but Alex is the worst of them.

One night, the two men argue over a woman and storm out of the bar. The next morning, one of them is dead. Who’s the killer and how is this common disagreement tied to a much larger conspiracy?

If you decide to read it, please let me know what you think by writing me a review. Every opinion helps, whether it’s good or bad.

Have fun.