“When men are oppressed it is a tragedy. When women are oppressed it’s a tradition.”
Misogyny, rape culture and male insecurity manifests itself in a variety of ugly ways. The ‘Merican variety is particularly insidious, because it hides behind euphemisms like “religious freedom” and “personal choice.”
The latest example of this self-destructive mindset comes from a federal judge in Texas who ruled that doctors may turn away women who have had abortions and transgender patients on the basis of religious freedom.
“The judge justified his ruling by claiming that individual doctors’ refusal to treat trans patients or women who have had abortions does not limit their access to health care and coverage.”
The impotent discrimination against women would be laughable if it wasn’t so repulsive. Even if we (like this judge) ignore the impact of this ruling on rural Texas women who only have access to one bigoted doctor, how can we justify the gender bias?
Are doctors allowed to refuse treatment to men who take Viagra or get hair implants?
What about denying service to rapists, child molesters and other male specific criminals, who unlike women who have abortions and transgender patients, actually commit crimes that harm individuals and society?
The double standard against women and transgender people isn’t about religious freedom. It’s about gender tyranny. It’s not about personal choice. It is sexual assault disguised as morality. It is repulsive way to treat women and we are repulsive for allowing it to exist in our society.
Have fun.