So his people work with Russia to manipulate the outcome of the election.
Then he fires the head of the investigation for reasons that bear no relation to reality.
Then he meets with Russian diplomats and only invites the Russian press to the event.
Now I'm seeing claims that he gave the Russians classified intel, in the Oval Office, in front of the Russian press.
But the Republican majority in Congress still doesn't see a reason to appoint a special prosecutor?
How does supporting Trumpzilla advance their agenda, keep them in office or engender them to their constituents?
What benefit do they get from undermining their own power base?
Are the Russian lobbyists and special interest groups so strong in Washington that they've convinced the Republicans to hand over the keys to the car?
Is gerrymandering so pervasive in red states that they can act with impunity?
Does everyone in the GOP getting paid by the Russians?
Most importantly, why do Trump supporters think this is ok?
Cui bono?
Persist and Resist...